Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Plan, sort and buy

Well since the last post we have been starting to plan, sort and buy:

We have planned the leaving drinks and for those who are interested keep the 20th March 2010 free for cake, drinks and dancing. Venue to be announced but will be in Bristol. If you need a bed just hola;

We have been sorting the house. This involved time sorting out the kitchen, writing a list of our furniture and collecting boxes to pack up the house. We are moving out of our current pad and have to empty the house. So if anyone is in the need of any furniture... we have sofas, a kitchen table/chair set, tumble dryer plus lots of other items so again just hola; and

Finally we have been buying equipment/kit. Best buys so far are some new walking shoes for me and some new walking boots and sleeping bag for Jo. Woo woo. They are still lots of things on the list so a few more trips to outdoor shops or raiding friends/family are in order before we can say we are sorted. So again if you have any unwanted travel essentials just hola!!

Over and out for now x

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