Thursday, 8 April 2010

Next Stop Cuzco!

Well we have done Arequipa to death...litterally as we saw a 500yr old mummy today! tehe!!

We are about to board the night bus to Cuzco to start the big trek whichdoesnt sounbd so fun!

Done a lot of walking so far in 25degree heat which i suppose i shouldnt complain about!

Will keep you all up to date - sorry this is a bit short - think the sun has made me a bit sleepy!

Love Jo and Charlie
PS NEarly forgot to say......we also ate guinea pig yesterday! Alot like chicken except a little less meat so you may not want to eat the pet ones yet! Apparently they are most tasty around 3-4months old!!! hahahaha


  1. For a really tasty guinea pig go to
    very tasty.
    for some reason I couldn't add this as a link.
    Dave A

  2. Would hampster do? I don't have a guinea pig!
    Mind you, it is a skinny, carniverous hampster now that the wheel is fixed!


  3. Jo / Charlie
    Comment from the Ansell link: "In Peru, I learned that cuy [Guinea Pig] was prepared in a number of ways. You could make it stuffed and roasted, piquant and quartered, or flattened whole and fried."
    The recipe also had walnuts - Charlie - did you check??
    Dave xx

  4. Jo
    Just to keep you up to date - the girls have got to Hampshire day Finals, play Haslemere. AND Pompey have just beaten Spurs so play Chelsea in the FA Cup !! What a day!! Oh - almost forgot, goes without saying but Titch got 'player of the season' at Club Dinner last night!!

    Love M & D xx
