Saturday, 8 May 2010

The falls were.....BIG!!!

Just got back from seeing the Brazilian side of the Iguassu Falls.....they were very impressive!!! Sooooooomuch water tumbling over them - i really cant grasp it! You have to see it to believe it!

We also went to a bird park and i think the birs were a little chilly as it is cloudy here and not tropical like it normally is for them! I hear the cries of sympathy for us from here!

Tomorrow we are going to Argentina to see the falls from there....different perspective and hopefully a boat ride right up close! Wohooooo!

Had our first South American steak yesterday....very tasty! And i think we are opening the wine tonight.....well it is saturday afterall!

Right, Charlie may add more but dont think there is a lot to say!

Hope the weather back there is nicer than here!
Fill you in on more over the next few days

Love Jo ;0)

1 comment:

  1. Jo & Charlie
    Nice & short & sweet, Don't want to rub it in too much eh?!!..."you really have to see it..!! As if!
    Glad to hear that you are eating 'proper food' now, not GP!
    Don't rock the boat - wear a coat!!
    Love Dad xx
